Question: How many pumpkins will
one 4oz bottle of PUMPKIN FRESH cover and protect?
Answer: One 4oz bottle of PUMPKIN
FRESH will cover and protect 1-2 medium to large pumpkins.
Question: How often should I spray
my carved pumpkin with PUMPKIN FRESH to get the best protection?
Answer: To get the very best
results it's recommended that you spray treat your carved pumpkin with
PUMPKIN FRESH on a daily bases.
environmentally safe?
Answer: Yes, PUMPKIN FRESH is 100%
earth friendly, non-toxic and biodegradable.
Question: If I spray treat my
carved pumpkin with PUMPKIN FRESH can the pumpkin be eaten afterwards?
Answer: No, though PUMPKIN FRESH is
non-toxic, the ingredients used in the contents are not edible and not
Question: How long is the shelf
Answer: We've actually had PUMPKIN
FRESH that's 3 years old treat and protect carved pumpkins just as well
as a brand new bottle.
Question: How long will a pumpkin
last once treated with PUMPKIN FRESH?
Answer: The freshness and longevity
of your carved pumpkin once treated with PUMPKIN FRESH may vary
depending on your climate as well as other factors such as temperature,
and where your pumpkin is placed. We recommend that you never
display your carved pumpkin on concrete because concrete will draw out
any moisture within your pumpkin which in turn will cause your pumpkin
to age very quickly. It is also recommended that you use
artificial lighting for illuminating your carved pumpkin. A lit
candle used for illumination will dry out your pumpkin prematurely.
Question: Are there any stores in
my local area that carry your product; PUMPKIN FRESH?
Answer: Unfortunately, we do not
keep records of retailers who may carry our product. If your local
retailer does not have PUMPKIN FRESH on their shelves, please ask them
to consider carrying our PUMPKIN FRESH product.
